12 Best Teas for Energy – The Energy Boosting Tea Guide

Tea Guides

We could all do with an energy boost sometimes, and some teas do have the ability to boost your energy. So if you’re looking for the best teas for energy, then I’ve compiled a list of them here. The most traditional option has to be black tea, but there are other good options such as […]

Does Hibiscus Tea Break a Fast? – When It Does and Doesn’t

Tea Facts

You’re fasting, and you like drinking tea, in particular, you like drinking hibiscus tea – you just love it right? And maybe the fear set in when you thought… Does hibiscus tea break a fast?! Well, fear not. Here’s where I’ll take you through the details about hibiscus tea and fasting … when it does […]

Lotus Tea Caffeine, Taste, Benefits, and Side Effects

Tea Facts

In this article, I’m looking at Lotus tea, both lotus tea caffeine levels, which to varying degrees include lotus root, flowers, seeds, and rhizomes benefits too. As well as the Lotus tea benefits, side effects, and lotus tea taste, along with the guide on what to expect. But first, here’s a quick response on the […]

Is Chamomile Tea a Diuretic? Quantity, Effect, and Results

Tea Facts

Chamomile is a great drink, particularly around the times you’re looking to relax. But there may be other factors or side effects to consider. One question could be; is chamomile tea a diuretic? In this article, I’m going to take you through how diuretic chamomile tea is, the research behind it, and its effects. As […]

Chinese Tea Culture – Origins, Occasions, Styles, and Tools

Tea Chat, Tea Guides

Chinese tea culture stems back thousands of years, here’s an in-depth article that discusses where the Chinese tea culture originated from, what it looks like today and why it differs from other tea cultures. The Chinese tea culture originated from monks, as Buddhism was embedded in the Chinese lifestyle. Gradually replacing alcohol, tea became synonymous […]

Does Chai Break a Fast? Chai Tea Variations and Calories

Tea Facts

As a general rule of thumb, if you drink anything below 50 calories, you’ll remain in a fasted state. So how does that apply to Chai tea? Does Chai tea break a fast? Masala chai is a blend of several ingredients and so has a complex nutrient profile. Drinking a cup of most teas without […]

Black Tea vs Earl Grey, Taste, Differences, and Similarities

Tea Facts, Tea Guides

Want to understand more about how Black tea and Earl grey match up? Here’s the black tea vs earl grey comparison on the differences. As well as the flavor, properties, caffeine content, how they’re made, and how each is brewed. So I’ve got all the answers here, let’s start with a summary…  Black tea and […]

American Tea vs British Tea, Preferences, Taste, and Culture

Tea Chat, Tea Facts

Wondering what the main differences are between tea drank in America and tea drank in Britain? Well, you’re in luck because here I’m looking at American tea vs British tea. This isn’t a better or worse scenario, there are simply differences in tea preferences on each side of the Atlantic, so here’s my lighthearted way […]

White Tea Caffeine Content – an Easy Guide, With Data

Tea Facts, Tea Guides

So you’re wondering about the amount of caffeine in White tea, I’ve written a lot about caffeine content in other types of teas, so check out my other articles on those listed below. But as for White tea caffeine, let’s get into the details… White tea has 6mg – 75mg of caffeine per cup. White […]