Recently at a friend’s get-together, the conversation turned to Catherine Tea …backed up by many views. As I blog about tea people turned to me for some knowledge. Rather awkwardly I didn’t know much about it, so I did some research to find out what exactly this tea is. Let me fill you in on the details.
What is Catherine Tea? Catherine tea is a herbal tea that allegedly acts as an advanced dietary supplement. It assists in slimming down the body by eliminating accumulated harmful toxins. This elimination comprehensively melts the fats deposited around the stomach and makes the body slimmer by increasing its regularity.
Catherine tea has always been a famous health-related beverage worldwide. So before we dive into this real topic, let’s look at the origin of “Catherine Tea”. It’s definitely worth knowing!
History of Catherine Tea
Tea is still the most favored drink in the UK. A princess by the name of “Catherine” from the city of Braganza, Portugal added to this craze for tea in the UK.
When Princess Catherine arrived in England to marry Charles II in 1662, she brought a casket of tea with her. This is because she had grown up drinking tea as an everyday favorite beverage. Her fondness for tea soon spread among the ladies of the English Court. Then tea drinking became a trend within England and then the whole UK. Whilst it’s fair to say the real obsession for tea was fueled later by the Duchess of Bedford. Catherine certainly left her mark.
So if you’re sipping on Catherine tea right now, then let’s raise a cup for “Queen Catherine”.

Anyway, back to the real topic, let’s first see what the purpose of Catherine’s tea is.
What is Catherine Tea For?
Catherine tea is originally for losing unnecessary weight and slimming down. It is made for burning fat contents stored in your belly and for flushing all unwanted contents in the body. This helps you attain a fit body with a slim waistline. Although it was originally introduced for women, now even men use them for their benefit.
But before I get into more details, I’ll start off with the taste.
What Does Catherine Tea Taste Like?
The taste of Catherine tea is not much reviewed about because for many it tastes a little bitter. This is because, unlike other teas that have tea leaves, Catherine tea mostly contains plants. The herbal plants help speed up absorbing fluids in the body and thereby lose weight quickly.
So let’s now see how to make it
How To Make Catherine Tea
Making Catherine tea is easy. Here are the few steps you need to follow;
- Drop one bag of Catherine tea into a cup of hot water
- Let it steep between 10-20 minutes
- Remove the tea bag after steeping
- Stir well
- And you’re ready to drink
Also here are some important facts to consider:
- Most producers recommend drinking this tea only for 3-4 weeks at a time, then taking a break for a few months
- Avoid having this tea on an empty stomach.
- If you experience any unusual or disturbing reactions, stop using them. Continue only after seeking medical attention.
But before you actually follow these tips and sip on your tea, it’s important to know what’s in this tea.
Catherine Tea Contains
- Senna Leaves
- Arcinia Cambogia
- Senna Pods
- Floschrysanthemi
Benefits of Catherine Tea
Now, I’m definitely a person who looks for any and all the benefits in any health-related beverage. So I did a bit of digging and found many benefits of Catherine tea. Take a look.
Catherine Tea Helps:
- Increase metabolism – This speeds up the fat-burning rate and reduces the level of calorie intake. In so doing it cuts off the fat accumulation in the body.
- Reduces aging – Helps improves healing and protects cells from damage. This helps to maintain one’s most youthful look, complete with glowing skin, for a longer period of time.
- Purifies the body – Detoxifies and cleans the body from toxins and harmful chemicals.
- Improves brain functioning – When the body purifies unwanted contents, the brain is more capable of functioning better.
- Natural weight loss – Since this beverage is made mostly out of herbs it’s much safer than diet pills.
But, we always have to take the good with the bad – damn it! So now let’s see what can go wrong with this tea.

Side Effects of Catherine Tea
Although you might not want to hear these, below are a few common side effects of Catherine tea:
- Laxative tea –The ingredient Senna present in Catherine tea is a natural laxative. This ingredient supports the cause of diarrhea, dehydration, stomach issues, dependency, cramps, and strangely; constipation
- Becoming malnourished – Excessive flushing of fluids from the body can dehydrate the system. This will reduce important fluids for the proper functioning of the body
- Losing the natural ability to flush waste – When continuously used, the body will eventually depend on the tea for flushing. At worse this might even keep you wondering how to go to the bathroom without it!
- Electrolyte Imbalance – Quickly flushing unwanted substances can cause an electrolyte imbalance. This is an important element in regulating body functions. So this imbalance might lead to confusion, weakness, abnormal heart rhythms, and seizures.
- Drug interactions causing serious health issues – The powerful herbs included in Catherine tea can interact with other drugs. Especially with certain over-the-counter medications, you’re taking. This interaction might lead to severe health conditions.
However, the important question is “does this even work?” …well let’s find out…
How Effective Is Catherine Tea?
Overall, Catherine tea seems quick and effective for short-term weight loss. However, there isn’t much evidence that it supports long-term or consistent weight loss.
Many users have reviewed its effectiveness favorably. In fact, Catherine tea is considered one of the best slimming teas in its country of origin, Thailand. But also many worldwide users are infatuated by this product’s effectiveness. So who am I to argue with an entire nation – or the world?
As I said before, this tea increases the metabolism rate and thereby quickens the fat-burning rate as well. This helps to easily burn stubborn fat around the tummy with consistent use. Also, the flushing of waste substances removes the distractions for effective fat digestion.
So for those who want to give it a try and see how it works, let me show you where to get it.
Where to Get Catherine Tea
To keep things simple, I found these common retail outlets to get Catherine tea:
If you’re already drinking your Catherine Tea. and reading this to find out more, then let me know how it tastes and if it works for you in the comments below. Then if you like this article please feel free to share it.
I am starting the tea in 3days time just waiting for my order but let me hope it will take my big belly away am so tired of since my baby’s birth now i look like 7months pregnant women 😭😭😭😭
It’s definitely worth a try I would say Jane. It can work pretty quickly for many people.
Good luck with it.
Hi Grace, I’ve added a link in the article to what should be a genuine version.
Fatoumata, it’s something else to try to see if it works for you. And I think how long it takes can vary per person. You should see fairly quick results though.
I can’t say I’ve tried it with additional ingredients Barbara, but feel free to experiment with other ingredients, and it’s up to you on the times that you take it. I trust you’ll find the best time for you. 🙂
Excellent, good luck and let us know 🙂
Thanks for the comment Nadeeka. Yes indeed you can, but some types of honey are better than others. So it’s a good idea to check that, and also whether honey will break your fast if you’re fasting too.
Can I use a tablespoon of honey with this?
Hi, I’m Supun
I learned about this Catherine tea through a friend of mine. Saw this article after purchasing it. Can’t wait to see the results and I will let you know in a few weeks. Thank you Michael.
I was just introduced to the tea please for weight loss is it advisable to mix with Apple Cider vinegar n ginger?
Can it also be advisable to take first thing in the morning before breakfast for weight loss? Thank you
Hello, please can this tea help you to have a flat tummy and how many weeks does it take to work
Hello, please how do I know the original Catherine from the fake one?
I want to purchase one but my aim is to get rid of my big tummy..
Don’t want to slim the whole body..Will this work?
I’d strongly recommend consulting a doctor before proceeding with taking Catherine Tea during pregnancy.
I would strongly suggest consulting a doctor before proceeding with this.
Can I use Catherine while breastfeed
Great article! I used Catherine tea for 2 months continuous and then my body got dependent to it to clear my stomach. Now I use it twice or thrice a month. No doubt this tea is great to remove the toxins from the body. For me I will continue using this for 3-4 times a month. The best time to take this tea is before bed.
Great article. Thank you Michael.
Please can pregnant women take Catherine tea
Thank you Shivangi. It would mainly depend on the medication. If in doubt, then I would recommend consulting your doctor on this point.
Thank you for the comment Jradi. I’m so glad this has worked for you. I would say whether you will then gain weight will largely depend on what diet and activities you continue with after stopping. Sadly, stopping does not then make you immune to gaining weight again.
Thank you so much for the feedback Joffer, I hope it helped!
Great Post! This is exactly the sort of thing I was looking for. Thanks for your help…
I have been using this tea for about 8 months and its result is great but will stopping it increase the body weight again…?
Can people with high blood pressure taking medication drink this tea?
Hi Magda. We are all different when it comes to what will work for us. Proceed with caution, and I’d recommend consulting your doctor or midwife if you’re in any doubt. Wishing you the best of luck to your growing family! 🙂
Wow Roshy, that is excellent progress! Well done, and thank you for letting us know.
Hi Lillian, thank you for the comment, I’m really pleased this has helped you 🙂
Hi, am Lilian
I have been using your tea and. I worked perfectly for me. After my child birth, my tummy be came big but after and. Still using the tea, I feel confident in myself again thanks so much 🥰
Is this tea safe for breastfeeding mum
Used it for two weeks now And i just lost 4kgs. So far nice progress
I recommend for people who wants to loose weight faster!
Day 1,not bad at all,went to the toilet 4tyms and indeed the fats are coming out,go go try it, i believe it will work.
Hi, I would take a day by day approach with this tea. You will likely need to give your body some breaks. All things in moderation 🙂
I would suggest speaking to your doctor on that point.
Can’t wait to buy
How many times should the tea be taken in a day
While use Catherine can I make diet for losing weight?
If yes which diet is suitable?
I want to lose more than 10 KG
Please is it good for people with ulcer?
Can we take the tea more then one month continually??
I have used it for 1 week though I have not lost any weight I have stop bloating,secondly..I’m drinking one cup after meal in the evening,how much is the intake per day and for how long?do I need to reduce my food portions?how I’m I supposed to take it.thank you
Thank you for the comment DIDACO, I’ve added a link in the article, but whether they deliver to your area I’m not 100% sure. I hope you manage to get it!
My stomach is still not slim again after childbirth. I started taking blue tea. I’m hoping it will help reduce my stomach?
I would say if you encounter any unpleasant side effects then lessen the amount or stop completely,
That would vary from person to person I would say
I’m sure a little honey is fine if that works to your taste
I would consult with your midwife or doctor on this matter. I’d probably recommend not taking it while pregnant – just to be safe!
When do I start seeing changes in my weight
Pls am about to use ur product,
Pls can I take in the tea before eating
This Tea has been helpful to me, now it’s the 4th day. Where do I get it here in Kenya since I have only 2 satchets left (got as a gift from someone, who also happen NOT know where to get it!)
Pls my wife is breastfeeding, can she take it?
Hi this tea is working – it’s my day 4. But I add some honey too. Is it right? Please reply…
How much weight can be lose after consuming Catherine tea for a month?
I’ve been taking the tea for 3days now and I’ve been visiting the toilet 3times in a day.
Please when will it stop
Please must you take Catherine tea everyday? If no how many times must you take in a week
I’ve just used it for three days and I feel it’s gonna work best for me,
It’s my 3rd day taking Catherine tea yet I feel normal. I’m i suppose to be having any reactions or effects? For example, going to the toilet often? I hope l.could get results from this tea?
Thanks for the comment Mhina. Everyone is different, so I’d say plan what suits you best and in line with any general health guidelines 🙂
I would probably err on the side of caution. If in any doubt then consult your doctor before giving your child Catherine tea.
I’d say that probably depends on what you do to maintain your new weight after stopping.
Thanks for the comment Rachel, I’d say probably best to consult with your Doctor regarding BP patients taking Catherine tea.
Thanks for the comment Juliet, I would definitely recommend consulting your doctor on this matter.
Please am using your product and at same time have been injected with contraceptive injectables? Is it advisable to continue with the tea?
Please can BP patients take this medication
Wanna start the tea… But will I regain weight if I stop taking it?
Thanks for the updates, this tea has been very helpful
Can a child of 13 years old take it
Can I take the tea and exercise for less than 20 minutes before I take my meal
Please how many times should I take the tea in a day and will it slim my buttocks?
Everyone’s body and metabolism are different. But I hope things have improved for you since your comment 🙂
I’d normally say if in doubt consult your doctor, but as you’re already doing it then I hope it’s working for you.
I’d recommend consulting your medical practitioner before proceeding.
Is it safe for diabetics?
Am 84 kgs and I want to loose more. I have 3 day since I took it. Itis still working and effective. I’m using both Catherine tea and islim capsules. Do u think its advice and will I be able to loose weight in a months time
I have been using Catherine tea for 3weeks and I haven’t seen any changes
I would strongly recommend consulting your Doctor
I would strongly recommend consulting your doctor.
Is this safe for breastfeeding mother
Its now a week when i started using catherine tea, slight changes but the side effects like diarrhoea almost left me stumbling from the loo to my bed. In short its good. Phoebe
Catherine tea is really good for weight loss but my problem is that since two days ago I haven’t gone to the toilet because I stopped taking it and so I don’t know what to do please I need help
How much killo im ganna lose when i commite to drink it over onemonth
Thanks for the comment. Start with one or two packs and work from there, I’ve added a link if that helps. See how you get on. Good luck.
Hi Fanny, thanks for the comment, I guess it depends on what period of time you visited the restroom 4 times. Assuming that’s more than normal then it shouldn’t really have that type of effect, so I’d look to monitor it and if it seems too much then stop taking the tea and/or consult your doctor 🙂
Started drinking today and have visited the restroom 4times that how it works?
Hey. thanks for the positive comments, I want to buy some and just hoping it will work for me. I want to reduce about 20kgs. I’m 90 kgs. if possible. how many packs should I buy?
I would definitely recommend consulting your doctor if you’re concerned 🙂
My mom is addicted to it , she says it helps her get rid of the excess weight and she love this tea! She has diabetes and she says i eat everything i like and i have this tea.. and im just fine.
She had me drink it and test the weight loss.
She lost 7-8 kilos
Is it safe for breastfeeding mother??
I really hope and part it works out for me too. Am only 23 but my weight is too much.
I love this article. It is full of great information. I feel better when I drink green tea. It gives me a sense of well-being and seems to energize me. Just taking time for tea and it makes my day go better. The fact that it may inhibit fat retention in the body is a bonus.
Good comment Danny, as I understand it, much like green tea, drinking tea like Catherine tea on an empty stomach can cause some degree of sickness and nausea. Even when on a diet it’s best to consume some small light snack before drinking catherine tea. It may be precautionary, I guess some will feel fine with it 🙂 Thanks again.
Nice , some where above u maintained not be drank in an empty tummy, my question is why, cuz I believe tea for weight loss purpose is always effective when taking first in the morning n last thing b4 bed time. So please explain why it shouldnt be taken in a empty stomach.
Oh thanks am using Catherine tea am a distributor and its good for me thanks
Thanks for the feedback Mutesi, I’m glad you enjoyed the blog 🙂
I like this blog ,first thing it has a really good history and Catherine tea is really good for weight loss
However it still has some side effects but it can also be profitable.
It does work y’all!! for a person who did crazy stuff to get thin, this tea was a total blessing for my body. But it is really important to consume it moderately. Other than over-consuming, I don’t see any bad side effects of it.
Drink lots of water and keep your self hydrated. I know exercise and eating healthy is the best way to maintain a good body but this tea helps a lot if you are overeating, constipated and overall want to kick start a good diet because it flushes out those toxins. so yeah my advice: use it daily until you have a good balance of food in your diet then add some exercise.
Don’t be so dependent on this tea for a slim body. I rate this 5/5 because it really works. Cheers!! I hope you get to your goal weight healthy and happy!! 🙂
Let’s hope another reader can help you!
Am looking for this tea to buy and be a distributor in Ghana
Thank you