Does Peppermint Tea Break a Fast? When It Does and Doesn’t!

Tea Facts

Many of us fast, for various reasons, but does peppermint tea break a fast? Does Peppermint Tea Break a Fast? In its authentic form, peppermint tea will not break your fast. authentic peppermint tea is only a herbal infusion or tisane made from an infusion between hot water and fresh peppermint leaves/ peppermint tea leaves/peppermint […]

Can You Have Tea Without Milk? Here’s When To Have Milk

Tea Facts

The question of can you have tea without milk should mainly be based on which perspective you’re asking the question. The question can be asked health-wise, taste-wise, or even look-wise. But here’s the quick answer, then we’ll look at why and when to add milk to your tea… Can you have tea without milk? Generally […]

Is Sweet Tea the Same as Iced Tea? Here Are the Differences!

Tea Facts

I hear this question quite a lot, is sweet tea the same as Iced tea. So thought I’d get straight in and provide a difinitive answer to this question, starting with a short response, then we’ll get into some details… Is Sweet Tea the same as iced tea? Both Iced Tea and Sweet tea are […]

Does Darjeeling Tea Have Caffeine? How Much, Why, and Which Type

Tea Facts

One question I’m sometimes asked is does Darjeeling tea have caffeine? This is understandable, as it may sound like a tea category all of its own. The answer is simpler than you think – but there are variables. Here’s a quick answer to get you started… Does Darjeeling tea have caffeine? Darjeeling tea contains a caffeine […]

Senna Tea, When To Take It, and Why, Benefits, Side Effects!

Tea Facts

Often we look to tea to provide a remedy for some ailments, mostly minor and some serious. One of those is Senna, and in particular, Senna tea is a way of consuming Senna. But when do you take it? Here’s information about Senna tea, when to take it, and why, as well as the benefits […]

Does Green Tea Expire? Here’s What Happens To Green Tea!

Tea Facts

The expiry date usually means the product is no longer usable or may be harmful to you. When it comes to the question does green tea expire – or pretty much most tea varieties, they don’t expire or come with an expiry date. Here’s the quick answer regarding the expiry of green tea… Does Green […]

Does Chamomile Tea Have Caffeine? Here’s the Right Answer!

Tea Facts

We all think of chamomile tea as being that tea you take to relax or unwind before heading to bed. But you might be wondering does chamomile tea contain caffeine? As a long-time tea connoisseur, I’d like to answer that question, so let’s start with a quick answer, then we’ll get into more detail… Does […]

Pros and Cons of Rooibos Tea, the Complete and Simple List!

Tea Facts

Thinking of trying Rooibos tea? or should we say red bush tea? Well, as a seasoned tea connoisseur and owner of a site dedicated to tea, here’s my straightforward list of the pros and cons of Rooibos tea. Let’s start with the pros and move on to the cons… Pros of Rooibos tea Rooibos tea […]

Does Peppermint Tea Have Caffeine? Here’s the Answer!

Tea Facts

People are often trying to reduce their caffeine content, especially if they’re drinking lots of tea in a day. I normally recommend herbal teas, which sometimes raises the question of if there’s caffeine in herbal teas – such as peppermint tea. So here’s the guide on the question does peppermint tea have caffeine … Starting […]

Does Peppermint Tea Stain Teeth? Which Ones, How to Avoid It

Tea Facts

Even the word “Peppermint tea” sounds as refreshing as it tastes, and there’s little that can go wrong with having peppermint tea. Whether it’s an iced peppermint tea in the summer or a hot peppermint tea in the winter, it’s the tea for all seasons! But sipping on a cup of peppermint tea every day […]